UK Residency

Indefinite Leave to Remain

Migrants settling in the UK after a long and often arduous wait represents a profound and transformative journey. For many, this journey begins with aspirations of a better life, escape from adversity, or pursuit of new opportunities. However, the path to settlement in the UK is often marked by challenges, uncertainty, and a lengthy bureaucratic process.

Long waits for settlement may result from various factors, including visa backlogs, complex immigration policies, or protracted legal procedures. During this time, individuals and families may live in temporary or precarious situations, navigating a liminal space between their past and their desired future.

The wait can be emotionally and psychologically taxing. It often requires resilience, patience, and unwavering determination. Families may be separated, dreams put on hold, and careers interrupted. During this time, having a guiding hand of someone who has experience in the field of UK immigration is of vital importance, Legum Lexis Solicitors can guide you through this journey by making every step of this process simple and clear.

Long Residence Applications

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK on the basis of long residence is a significant milestone for immigrants who have built their lives in the country over an extended period. This immigration category recognizes the value of long-term residents and provides them with a path to settle in the UK permanently.

To be eligible for ILR on the basis of long residence, applicants typically need to have resided in the UK for a continuous period of 10 years, during which they should have maintained legal immigration status. This category acknowledges the commitment of individuals who have contributed to the UK socially and economically over a substantial period.

However, obtaining ILR can be a complex process, involving rigorous documentation and proof of continuous residence. Changes in immigration policies and requirements can affect eligibility, making it essential for applicants to stay informed and seek legal advice.

UK Immigration Lawyers


Obtaining British citizenship as a migrant is a transformative and significant achievement, representing the culmination of a journey towards full integration into British society. It signifies not only a legal status change but also a deep commitment to the nation and its values.

EU Settlement Scheme

Pre Settled status or Settled status is a legal status that grants EU citizens and their family members the right to continue living, working in the UK after Brexit. It ensures that those who have established their lives in the UK can continue to do so without undue disruption. Applicants who had been living in the UK for less than 5 years were granted pre settled status and those who had completed 5 years residency in the UK were usually granted settled status. Settled status is equivalent to permanent residency in the UK. While pre settled status applications are now closed you may still be able to apply if you had started living in the UK prior to 31st December 2020 and you have reasonable grounds for not applying before the deadline of 30th June 2021.

Applicants who have completed 5 years of residency in the UK under pre settled status would normally be eligible to apply for settled status.

Naturalisation as a British citizen

The path to British citizenship is typically marked by several stages. Initially, migrants often arrive in the UK on visas for work, study, family reunification, or asylum. Over time, they may apply for settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain) after meeting residency requirements. After holding ILR for a specific duration, migrants become eligible to apply for British citizenship.

The process involves a comprehensive application, including proof of residence, good character, and knowledge of the English language and UK life. Successful applicants must also take a Life in the UK test, which assesses their knowledge of British history, culture, and institutions.

However, the path to British citizenship can be challenging, involving time-consuming paperwork and potential legal hurdles.


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