Family Visas

The Family Visa in the UK serves as a pathway for family reunification, keeping loved ones together and promoting social cohesion. This visa category encompasses various subtypes, such as spouse, partner, parent, and child visas, each tailored to specific familial relationships.

To obtain a Family Visa, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria, including financial requirements and proof of genuine relationships. These visas allow families to live, work, and study in the UK, fostering a sense of belonging and stability.

However, evolving immigration policies and restrictions have made obtaining Family Visas more challenging in recent years. This is where we come in, we strive to make this process as simple and stress free as possible.

UK Immigration Lawyers

Spouse or Partner visa

If you are the spouse/partner of a British or Irish citizen or a person settled in the UK, or having humanitarian protection or Settled Status then you may be eligible to apply for a spouse/partner visa, which requires that you satisfy a set of eligibility criteria as outlined in detail below

Fiancé Visa

The Fiancé Visa in the UK is a specialized immigration category designed for individuals who plan to marry or enter into a civil partnership in the UK. This visa serves as a stepping stone for couples separated by international borders, allowing them to unite and build a life together in the UK.

To obtain a Fiancé Visa, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria, including proof of a genuine relationship, intention to marry within six months of arrival, and certain financial requirements. Once approved, the visa allows the holder to enter the UK and get married or enter into a civil partnership. After the marriage or partnership is formalized, they can apply for further leave to remain in the UK.

Child dependent visa

The Child Visa in the UK is a vital immigration category designed to keep families together and safeguard the well-being of children. This visa is intended for children living outside the UK and under the age of 18 who wish to join their parents or legal guardians in the UK. Children born in the UK will usually be granted the same permission to stay as their parents or legal guardians.

To qualify for a Child Visa, several criteria must be met, including demonstrating a genuine parent-child relationship and having suitable care arrangements in place. The primary aim is to ensure the child’s welfare and provide them with the opportunity to live with their parents in the UK. This visa category acknowledges the importance of family unity and the rights of children to be with their parents or legal guardians.

Adult Dependent Relative

The Adult Dependent Relative Visa in the UK is a specialized immigration category designed to accommodate elderly family members who are financially dependent on a British citizen or a settled person in the UK. This visa recognizes the importance of family support and caregiving for elderly relatives who may not have access to adequate care in their home countries.

To qualify for this visa, applicants must demonstrate that they require long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks and that they cannot get the required care in their home country due to the lack of financial and healthcare support. Additionally, the applicant must have a sponsoring family member in the UK who can provide for their needs without relying on public funds.

The Adult Dependent Relative Visa acknowledges the vital role that family plays in providing care and support to vulnerable elderly relatives. However, obtaining this visa can be challenging due to stringent eligibility criteria, and the burden of proof rests heavily on the applicant and their sponsoring family member.

In recent years, changes in immigration policies have made it more difficult to qualify for this visa, sparking debates about the balance between family reunification and controlling immigration. Nevertheless, this immigration category remains essential for those who genuinely need it, recognizing the importance of family bonds and the duty to care for dependent relatives within the UK.


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